True Identity Brings Hope!

What is your identity? Are you male or female? Are you a father or a mother? Are you old or young? Are you employed, unemployed, or retired? Does your work define your identity? For example, are you doctor, a lawyer, a plumber, a carpenter, an administrative assistant, a stay-at-home mom or dad and so on? Are you a saint or a sinner? There are many ways to define your identity. Do any of these identities bring you hope? I believe that there is only one of these identities that bring hope. Let us look and see what I have found about my identity that brings me hope.

It seems that today there is a lot of confusion regarding people’s identity. There is no longer, according to the world, just two genders male and female. I would beg to differ with that opinion and I believe so does God. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 (ESV) Though I do not believe that this is the identity that brings you hope it is important to understand that it is not good to change your God created identity into something other than how you are created. I have found that it is never good to stand against God. The world claims there are eighty-one different genders of which only two are correct male and female. Even science agrees with God that there are only two genders. It surprises me that this world that seems to worship at the feet of science would then come up with eighty-one different genders.

As I said it is not your gender that gives you hope. Hope is equally available to both genders. Is it your identity as your occupation that gives you hope? I think not as well. I do not think a doctor or a lawyer has greater access to hope then a tradesman or a day laborer. Hope is also available to all no matter what they do as an occupation. It is not your position in a family that gives you hope either. Being a mom, dad, child, grandparent, aunt, uncle, husband, wife, or single does not give you hope.

I believe that there is only one identity that brings you true hope. The question is are you a saint or a sinner. I am not talking about practically because practically I am a sinner. I sin daily maybe even every waking hour of every day. However, positionally I am no longer a sinner but I am a saint which brings me hope. Let me explain, One September 27, 1967 positionally I became a saint. The process that occurred on that day was that I understood and accepted the greatest gift that anyone can be given. I was given eternal life and believe me that gives me immense hope. I found out that I get to go to heaven to be with God and Jesus for all eternity.  I became a different person. I became a new creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (ESV) If you do not have this kind of true hope, you too can have this free gift of hope from God. All you need to do is believe that Jesus Christ willingly took the sins of the world upon Himself and died on the cross and three days later rose from the dead so that all who believe might become saints. If you have not done that yet I will tell you not to wait any longer. Find out how here.

Join me in choosing the only true identity that brings hope by accepting Jesus. It is by far the greatest choice you will ever make. Understanding that the hope you have is because of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross satisfying the penalty for sins. His payment satisfies all my sins from the past, in the present and in the future. My penalty and yours was satisfied on the cross by the death of Jesus, God’s greatest act of love and wrath, who became sin for me and you. It was also God’s greatest act of faithfulness because “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (ESV) Because holiness shows us, we need to believe in Jesus. I hope that you join me in helping others to choose Jesus.

If you have not read my previous blogs, you can find them here.

You can find my book, Hope Amid Hopelessness: Our Abba Father Provides a Way Through Mental Illness here.

eBook or Audiobook versions can be found at Westbow Press or at Amazonor Google